Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

Grocery Shopping!

Since we are all poor college students, here are a few places to go grocery shopping: Lidl, Aldi, Kaufland. If you are willing to spend a little more for higher quality food, go to Rewee. You will also notice a lot of local fruit stands/ farmers markets- only the freshest fruit and vegetables of the season.. and it's always nice to support the local community! You'll definitely be spending a lot on food, practice being frugal and get creative with your cooking skills! In the beginning you are going to meet  A LOT of erasmus (european exchange) students, and a great way to meet people/ save money was having an international potluck. I got to meet people from all over the world and try great food from New Zealand, Spain, Sweden etc., while only having to spend a few euro on the dish I prepared.
Farmers Market

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